Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dr. Geeklove, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Internet

Why, hello internet!! Of COURSE I didn't forget that my blog existed. I forgot that I did. It's...a long story and it's kinda complicated....

But anyway, I'm here now. My last few posts were very preachy and not very personal, so let's try to rectify that, shall we? I'm going to tell you a story. Its a story about my relationship with comics.

As a little kid, I was introduced to superheroes not through comics, but through the incredibly well done animated television shows of the early nineties, the greatest of which was Batman the Animated Series. Through TV, I became acquainted with the greatness of Superman, the X-Men, Spiderman and Batman. As I got older, I eventually wanted to read the comic books that created these wonders. I would, from time-to-time, check comics out of the local library (lame I know), but many comics just failed to grab my attention for very long. This is not to say that I didn't enjoy reading comics. I just din't get into them the way I did Harry Potter and Pokemon.

Like many kids, Pokemon soon became the "gateway drug" that introduced me to anime and manga. That was a match made in heave. I discovered the big ones, Naruto and Bleach, along with my personal favorites such as Full-Metal Alchemist and Death Note. My friends and I became total anime junkies, constantly looking for new manga to check out. And like many of my anime-loving friends, I soon arrived at the conclusion that Japanese manga was superior to all Western comics, though I personally still harbored a soft spot for superheroes and was as excited as anyone when Spiderman joined the New Avengers.

Then one day, while browsing deviantART looking at some cool fan-art, I stumbled upon the work of one Tracy J. Butler, creator of the webcomic sensation Lackadaisy and found myself smitten with the beautiful artwork and incredible storytelling. Like Pokemon before it, Lackadaisy became a "gateway drug", introducing me to all the creativity and talent that was congregating on the internet. I found everything from sitcoms like PvP Online, to beautiful stories like Girl Genius, and even a graphic novel series, Dreamkeepers. Finally, I had found a group of truly great and creative comics, all there in plain sight.

I have included a new feature in the sidebar, "Recommended Reading," where you can find links to all my favorite webcomics, and anything new that happens to catch my eye. Trust me, they are all worth checking out.

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